Who is the Real Teacher?

Who is the Real Teacher?


Life… is one of the most common 4 letter words used in everyday vernacular.  Life brings along a myriad of things:  Birth;  Family;  Friends;  Education;  Trials & Tribulations;  Unforgettable Moments;  and finally Death.  The one thing we never stop doing in Life is Learning.  Whether you recognize it or not, you are always Learning.

I often say we Learn everything except one thing – breathing!  Now some of us got a “gentle” reminder many many years ago with a smack on the bum (gluteals) to jump start the process, but from then on…everything we did was from Learning and not Knowing!

We Learn either from Observation (ie. Learning to Talk) or Trial & Error (ie. Learning to Walk).  But we are always learning.  We could be acquiring a new skill or refining one that we have already acquired.  One thing is…Life is a Master Instructor.  And, oh what a student I have been.

If you don’t Learn from Life self-preservation, then Life will teach you how fragile the body truly is!  Hopefully that lesson isn’t a permanent one!!!  If you survived such a lesson but are left a little banged up, surgery and/or rehabilitation may be required to get you back into your normal routine.

Even though you are injured and not quite back to 100%, the Learning continues.  As a PhysioTherapist My Goal FOR You is help you reach Your goal.  We do this via a few of ways. *7815

Firstly, we listen to You and Your story.  We want to know how you came to see us, your unique history, and most importantly – Your Final Goal.  Only by listening and have you “teach” us about yourself can “we” move forward as a Team towards Your Goal.

Secondly, we educate you on 2 very important aspects during physical therapy.  One, we educate you on how NOT to perpetuate the injury and thus retard healing.  Second, we educate you how to progress in a manner that will maximize your healing & recovery process.

Finally, since you are a unique individual, we “Learn” what maximizes your healing & recovery.  This is where a “cookie-cutter” approach won’t work – trying to force-fit you into a predetermined program.  We respect you too much to do such a travesty!  And that’s why we don’t do such things.  We try to have you Re-Learn to Live Life once again – not just merely survive it.

At the end of the day, I can educate you…but Life will Teach You the real Lessons.  The goal we should strive for is to Learn without major harm to oneself.  A quote that I created secondary to a self-realization from a few “lessons” that Mother Nature has taught me recently is…”Gravity Never Takes A Day Off.”  And per this conversation, neither should our Learning.

Go Adventuring!

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Now back to your regularly scheduled programming…

ps: If you found this *, be the first to call, give the four digit code and you will win a prize.  Need to come to the clinic by Wednesday (8/6/19) to claim it in person.

1 comment

Life teaches us lessons, and if you find someone who can help teach you better…. that is something no amount of money can buy, and a value that is rare to find.

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